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Asbestos Workers

New Zealand Certificate in Workplace Health and Safety Practice (Level 4)



$2400 + GST per person



16 weeks






The aim of this programme is to enable learners to develop knowledge in and skills in recognising a variety of workplace hazards and their control, promoting and monitoring health and safety practices and procedures that protect workers and enable them to go home safely. An important aspect of the programme is developing learners’ communication skills to enable them to investigate and solve problems related to health and safety issues in workplaces.

Learners will be able to work with Juniors, apprentices, and even executives in the workplace and help them understand their health and safety responsibility. CC Training Health and Safety programme prepares learners for on-site, real world situations that they face in their everyday tasks.

This programme is suitable for people who have or are intending to have a workplace health and safety function as part of their primary job role.


Entry Criteria

This programme is designed for people who have or are intending to have a workplace health and safety function as part of their primary job role. Learners’ work environment must provide them with the opportunity to produce the evidence required for achieving the unit standards and learning outcomes, and subsequently the graduate profile outcomes.

CCTA will discuss with the learner and their employer the requirements and regulations of the programme and the likelihood of learner’s success before enrolment.

Learners must demonstrate sufficient literacy and numeracy skills or have suitable industry experience; or have achieved the New Zealand Certificate in Workplace Health and Safety Practice (Level 3) [Ref: 3533].

Upcoming Courses â€‹

24th March 2025

Delivery Method

Distance / On-job Learning.
Learners are required to:

  • Complete online self-study tasks.

  • Complete on-job learning tasks based in their workplace.


Commitment to study

Learners are expected to spend:

  • 20 hours per week engaged in direct learning - ie. online self study tasks and on-job Learning tasks.

  • 17.5 hours per week engaged in completing self-study tasks.


Assessment Method

Practical (onjob) tasks, observations, and assignments.​​​


The programme comprises 4 modules which are:

Health and safety regulations
Hazard management system and risk assessment
Health and safety planning and risk assessment
Occupational health & safety management system auditing
These modules cover a range of different topics such as health and safety standards and practices, workplace inspections, reviewing policies and procedures and auditing health and safety management system, hazard or risk assessments, accident or incident investigations, etc.


The objectives of the programme are that learners can learn and apply:

  • Safety management knowledge/skills and regulations

  • Safety leadership

  • Operational safety processes

  • Technical skill and knowledge, with a focus on communication skills


Upon successfully completing the programme, learners will be able to:

  • Apply knowledge of workplace health and safety standards and requirements relevant to their role in their respective industry

  • Execute and implement occupational health and safety audit system

  • Communicate and implement a health and safety plan to their team

  • Identify hazards in workplaces, assess their risks, determine control measures to eliminate or minimise the level of the risks and monitor and review the effectiveness of control measures.


Our graduates can work in any sector and are able to perform their OHS roles/responsibilities. Upon completing this programme, graduates will be awarded the New Zealand Certificate in Workplace Health and Safety Practice (Level 4) [Ref: 3534].




H&S 400 Health and Safety regulations.

H&S 401  Health and safety planning and risk assessment.

H&S 402 Hazard management system and risk assessment.

H&S 403 Occupational health & safety management system auditing.





Elective (15 credits from the following)

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